Mediumship Certificate Program (MCP)
Online Course
Good evidential mediums are not made in a weekend, or a week. The world’s greatest mediums have been developing their skills and technique for years in order to enjoy the level of accuracy that they have achieved. Our certificate program is designed to help you create a strong and direct line of communication with the spirit realm and build confidence in your ability.

Six Months of Comprehensive Study
The MCP program requires a 6-month commitment. During this period we will undertake an in-depth study of the theory, practice, and development of spirit communication. We focus our program on evidential mediumship—the ability to bring through recognizeable facts and information about a spirit loved one.

Experiential Live Online Workshops
Join fellow students live in the virtual classroom to practice technique, reinforce skills, and gain confidence in your communication ability.

Guest Medium Workshops, Lectures, and Guided Meditations
Throughout the program you will have the opportunity to learn from guest mediums or teachers, and listen to lectures and guided meditations by professionals in the field. (Lectures and guided meditations are not mandatory, but beneficial for development.)

Classwork, Assignments
and Exercises
In each section of the program you will have the opportunity to learn from a guest mediums and teachers, and listen to lectures and guided meditations by professional mediums and spiritual teachers. Spring class start date is in April, 2022.

Two Ways to Learn
The course takes place online on a blog site and in a LIVE virtual classroom. The program is presented in three parts:
Part 1: Foundation | Part 2: Attunement | Part 3: Synthesis.
Three lessons per week posted online, along with online practice sessions and meetings during each month.

Guest Sitters to Develop Reading Skills
Work with guest "sitters" who are volunteers that come in to the virtual or live classroom to act as practice clients for skills development.

Development Circles
Join a combined-level development circle to practice with fellow students and graduates from past certificate programs.

Tuition: $1,650
Payment plan available. ($15 monthly administrative fee applies to payment plan.)
2022 Classe Starting in April 2022
All new monthly zoom classroom meetings
Check back for start date and program details.
Call (413) 896-4350 for information
We believe that quality instruction should be available to everyone. Payment plans are available to those who need a budget plan.
We consider each student's need on a case-by-case basis. Call Lin for special arrangements.
Registration is limited to 12 students. Eight students required to hold the course.